Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Photo Shoot with Mary Mary for SBH Magazine

Recently I did a photo shoot with female gospel duo Mary Mary for Sophisticates Black Hair Styles and Care Magazine. This issue has just been released. Here are some photos that were selected and used. To enlarge the photos just click on them and share your thoughts.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Chicago Scenic Images by PL

I was just shooting around my beautiful city of Chicago and decided I would share them on my blog site. Let me know what you think.



Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Vendor Client relationship - in real world situations

So... I went to lunch today at Zapatista in the South Loop area of Chicago with a friend of mine who just finished school for photography and landed an awesome opportunity to work with photographer Gary Land in the Boston area. Kudos to you Marcus Smith! Check out his website at www.marcussmithphoto.com. Anyway, while he and I were choppin' it up (slang for conversing) he told me about this video on youtube which I had to share with the readers of my blog. From time-to-time I'll have to deal with similar situations in this video and if you are in the creative industry I'm sure you can relate as well. Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Outdoor Testing with Alanna

It's now summertime in Chicago and I really needed to get out of the studio so I took Alanna outside and begin to test with her. See the photos below and share your thoughts.

Model: Alanna Ramirez
Makeup: Jessica Williams