Saturday, March 13, 2010

The All New PLP Studios...

It's been quite some time since my last blog posting. Just to caught everyone up I had to take out some time and do some rebranding and relocating and I'm finally in a comfortable place and now ready to show the world. So incase there is some confusion I wanted to clarify the difference between Parrish Lewis Photography and PLP Studios. Parrish Lewis Photography is my foundation and where I will do all my advertising and commercial photo shoots. Now PLP Studios is a new company in which will handle all production for my big budget photo shoot also at PLP Studios I've trained 5 new photographers and 2 new retouchers. The photographers will handle all headshot session and event photography so that I can focus on the commercial photo shoots. I know it's still confusing. Long story short is... There is now no job too small or too big that I can't accommodate just call my studio at 312.243.4822 and book your session :) In this blog posting is a video clip that will take you on a virtual tour of the new PLP Studio. Enjoy!

PLP Studios Tour from Parrish Lewis on Vimeo.